FieldAssist Suite

FieldAssist suite is an enterprise class set of products designed for well analysis and optimization in the digital oilfield. By transforming raw data into actionable information it assists upstream operations to maximize oil recovery, optimize artificial lift systems, minimize down time and decrease well failure rates. FieldAssist also integrates with other existing corporate systems to leverage your existing investments. These applications are being used worldwide by hundreds of users to manage over 30,000 wells.

Rod pump well optimization

Optimize Rod lifted Wells by finding exceptions and managing well work.

Pumping unit inventory management

Track complete life of Pumping unit to maximize equipment utilization, minimize surface failures and manage inventory.

Critical parameter management

Tune and optimize critical control parameters on hundreds of controllers with an easy to use interface.

ESP well optimization

Optimize ESP wells by finding exceptions based on analyzing real-time data and managing mitigation activities.

Cyclic steam scheduler

Optimize heat treatment operations of heavy oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery.

Chemical injection management

Manage chemical treatment operation that reduces corrosion and cold plugs.

Mobile operator tool (OpsAssist)

Mobile solution with GPS capable integrated maps for the operator to record field activities and improve productivity

Future Modules

Additional modules are being developed to address our customers’ needs